Safe sleeping environment with unique SleepAngel pillows - no allergens, no smells, no stains. Please note that we are currently experiencing longer delivery times. For specific timing, feel free to contact us directly.
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Article "17 Proven Tips to Sleep Better at Night" by Rudy Mawer was originally published in
Colourful (and also slightly allergic) cyclist Mihkel Räim has started a new journey in a Polish team with Estonian innovation.
Jorge Vilanova is a ultra-trail runner, CEO of Gretel Planner and family father. Here he tells us why sleep is important for him.
SleepAngel is the official bedding partner for the Movistar Team with a task to secure safe and supporting recovery time.
Elizabeth Rider's Sunday night routine will help you sleep better the entire week. Originally published in Thrive Global.
World Sleep Day is a celebration of sleep. Slogan for the 14th annual World Sleep Day is "Regular Sleep, Healthy Future."
Movistar eTeam will be equipped with SleepAngel pillows, just like Movistar Team riders have been since 2019.
Studies have shown that people are at their most tired and sleep deprived after daylight savings changes. There is a remedy.
Article in DailyMail by Fiona Macrae focuses on pillows and the effect they can have for our health.
Matthew Walker is an English scientist and professor of neuroscience and psychology at the University of California, Berkeley. He is a public intel...
Article "Why Neuroscientists Say, ‘Boredom Is Good For Your Brain’s Health" by Bryan Robinson.
Cheri Mah's tips on how to optimise sleep quality via Financial Times.
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